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Housing strategy, policies, and information

Information about the policies that guide how we deliver housing in the borough

Affordable Housing Policies

Affordable housing and planning

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has guidance relating to when S106 planning obligations for affordable housing should not be required.

For details on the changes in National Planning Policy, and to view our implications for policy CS09 of the adopted Core Strategy 2011, please visit our affordable housing (planning) page.

Affordable housing contributions

Qualifying residential development must contribute to the provision of new affordable housing in the area to help address the housing need. You can find out more on our Affordable Housing Contributions guidance note.

Since the publication of the Affordable Housing guidance note in 2019, the government have introduced a new affordable product, First Homes as their preferred intermediate tenure. For more information please view our First Homes guidance note.

Vacant building credit

Vacant buildings being reused or redeveloped may qualify for the vacant building credit. You can find out more on our vacant building credit guidance note.

Housing Needs Assessment 2020

The Housing Needs Assessment assesses the need for different types and tenures of housing up until 2036.

Rural Affordable Housing

Over the last 15 years we've worked with housing association partners to develop new affordable homes in villages across the borough. Many of the schemes were given planning permission based on a long term agreement that when such homes are allocated, preference is given to people who:

  • already live in the village, or
  • have a connection to the village

In most cases, such housing has been developed where there are strong demand pressures for existing housing. And often where buying on the open market or private renting is beyond the reach of many people. As well as meeting identified housing need, such schemes have been developed to help sustain communities by enabling, particularly younger people, or low income households, to remain in the communities they're established in.

New affordable housing being developed in villages will often involve a mix of tenures. So as well as homes for low cost rent, there could be low cost homes for sale including shared ownership and shared equity.

For details of existing rural affordable schemes, please see the document downloads at the bottom of this page.

Homelessness Strategy 2019-24

Our homelessness strategy was prepared following consultation with partners and the public. There is an action plan which supports the Homelessness Strategy. 

Tenancy Strategy

Our Tenancy Strategy sets out our aims for social housing tenancies in the area, such as the type and length of a tenancy.

Each housing association has it's own Tenancy Policy explaining what type of tenancies they'll provide. These take into account our views as set out in the overall Tenancy Strategy.

Home Energy Report 2017

Every two years we provide a report to Government setting out home energy issues in the area. And we state:

  • what we plan to with the information
  • how we can improve home energy efficiency

Home Energy Conservation Act report

Long Term Empty Homes Strategy

Our Empty Home Strategy explains more about the Council's approach to long term empty homes.

Housing Assistance Policy (HAP)

The HAP sets out our approach in helping vulnerable people adapt or improve their homes, especially Disabled Facilities Grants.

Social Housing Allocations Policy

This is our policy for determining the priorities and procedures to be followed in allocating social housing in the area.  

It explains the rules we'll follow in maintaining a housing register and how we allocate social housing to applicants on the register.

Lettings plans

The West Norfolk Homechoice Panel can agree lettings plans for certain schemes where a need has been identified by a housing association landlord to resolve specific housing management issues. Lettings Plans are for a limited time period and are subject to review.

Gypsy and traveller accommodation assessment (GTANA)

The GTANA is used to help with the preparation of development plan policies for the provision of new gypsy and traveller pitches and travelling showpeople plots in the borough. This ensures that local authorities comply with planning policy and legislation. For further information, please visit our GTANA page.

Local Housing Profile

Our Local Housing Profile shows data from the housing register and other sources for every parish in the borough.

Custom and self-build action plan

Custom build homes are where people build their own homes, or use a developer to build a home for them. We've created an action plan to help support custom and self-build housing.

Specialist retirement and accessible housing study for older people

This report looks at demand for specialist retirement housing as well as for care homes, dementia housing and accessible and wheelchair housing in Norfolk.