Services beginning with H
- Habitat mitigation
- Hackney Carriage driver licence
- Hackney Carriage vehicle licence
- Handyperson service
- Have your say
- Hazardous waste
- Health and safety complaints
- Health and wellbeing
- Heating oil leaks
- Hedge cutting
- Hedgerow protection and high hedges
- Help to buy
- Historic planning decisions
- HMO register
- Homelessness
- Homelessness - Duty to refer
- Homewatch
- House naming and numbering
- House to house collection licence
- Household Support Fund
- Household waste
- Houses in multiple occupation (HMO) licence
- Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)
- Houses in multiple occupation register
- Housing Benefit
- Housing Benefit - Overpayments
- Housing Benefit calculator
- Housing standards questionnaire
- Human trafficking
- Hunstanton Advisory Group
- Hunstanton Coastal Management Plan
- Hunstanton events and activities