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House to house collections

Information on how to apply for a house to house collection licence

How to apply

You'll require a licence if collections are made for money or items, door to door, for charity (under the House to House Collections Act 1939).

Some charities don't need a licence to make door to door collections, as they're authorised under a National Exemption Order Scheme

To apply for a licence, please complete our online application form. There is no fee for a house to house collection.

Apply for a house to house collection licence

What happens next?

Once an application is received and processed, we'll issue you with a licence for door to door collection on the date and time applied for.

You'll then need to apply to a Government Department to obtain badges for all collectors. We'll send the documents, with your licence, to help you do this.

After your collection

Once the collections are complete, you need to send us a return form, detailing the monies collected. Please complete our online collection returns form within one month of the date the licence expires. Alternatively, a paper application form can be found at the bottom of this page.

Complete our collections return form

Consumer complaints

Lots of people feel threatened by people knocking on their door when they are not expecting anyone. If you display a no cold callers notice it will stop people calling.

It is actually a criminal offence (under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008) to ignore this sign. And the charity can be reported to Trading Standards or the police.

If you have a complaint in relation to a business operating under this regulation, please contact us on 01553 616200, or email


House to House regulations apply.

Please see our house to house regulations document at the bottom of the page.

Further information

Additional information on house to house collections can be found on the Charity Commission website.

  • Council tax
  • Licences and permits
  • Bin Collection
  • Looking for job
  • Cost of living support
A full list of services can be found on our A-Z listings page.
A full list of services can be found on our A-Z listings page.