Local Development Plan
The plans which guide development in the borough, including the current Local Plan, and Waste and Mineral Plan
Local Plan review (2021-2040) plan-making stages
About the emerging Local Plan review 2021-2040 (preparation stages 2016-2022)
Local Plan review (2021-2040) examination
All information about the Local Plan Review from submission to Secretary of State (March 2022) to reconvened examination hearing sessions and Main Modifications (2022-2024)
Neighbourhood plans
Information about neighbourhood planning, and the emerging and completed neighbourhood plans in the borough
Planning policy research
Information about planning policy research and archived policy documents
National planning policies
Information on the national policy documents that guide us
Authority Monitoring Reports
Find out about and view our Authority Monitoring Reports
Affordable housing and housing need
View our affordable housing, housing need, and housing strategy policies
Brownfield register
View our register of brownfield land and maps of brownfield sites
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
The SCI describes how and when we intend to involve local communities in planning for the future of the borough
Custom and self-build action plan
How we intend to help self-build and custom build housing in the borough
5-year housing land supply position and Housing Delivery Test
Further details about our 5-year housing land supply and the Housing Delivery Test, which assesses progress in delivering new homes within the Borough
Local Development Scheme
The Local Development Scheme provides a timetable for the Local Plan review
Norfolk Planning in Health Protocol 2024
The Norfolk Planning in Health Protocol provides an engagement tool between Local Planning Authorities and Norfolk and East Suffolk Public Health Bodies