Find out about our One Public Estate regeneration programme
What is One Public Estate (OPE)?
OPE is a government initiative to encourage public sector organisations to work together to ensure that publicly-owned assets are used cost effectively. You can find out more about OPE on the GOV.UK website.
One Public Estate Norfolk
Norfolk's OPE partnership brings together:
- the county council
- district councils
- several NHS bodies
- the police
Following two successful bids by OPE Norfolk to the Cabinet Office and Local Government Association OPE programme, £120k has been secured for OPE - Hunstanton regeneration.
The documents submitted during the bid process set out a list of potential development sites and co-location opportunities around the themes of:
- rationalising and optimising public sector assets
- driving growth and development
- reducing costs while preserving or improving services
The £120k will be used towards funding feasibility and traffic studies to determine the best use of specific assets and sites.
The sites were originally identified in the 2008 Hunstanton Masterplan. The 2015 Economic Plan put together by Hunstanton Prosperity Coastal Communities Team, took this a step further. OPE funding will help facilitate progress on these sites by enabling feasibility studies and other preliminary works to take place.
The benefits
By working with our public sector partners, we have been able to consider opportunities to:
- work together
- co-locate services
- bring forward development sites that might otherwise remain undeveloped
This will:
- reduce the cost of services
- help to tackle housing need by providing new homes with a good proportion of affordable or shared ownership housing
- bring jobs through the development projects and through enhancement to the tourism offer
Investment in the regeneration of the town will also start to tackle unsightly areas that have been earmarked for development for many years.
The sites included
The sites included in the OPE Hunstanton regeneration programme are:
- Alexandra Road housing site
- former infant school
- Seagate East and West, South Prom, Southend, Southend Road (overflow) car parks
- Southend Road coach park
- Bus station and library site
- Oasis Leisure Centre
- the former Kit Kat site
- Fire station
- Police Station
- Hunstanton Community Centre
- Valentine Road Council Offices
The overall programme covers a five year time plan, so it will be some time before schemes are likely to come forward. Funding will also need to be secured. At this time, no decisions have been made and we're in the very early stages.
Some feasibility work has been undertaken so far, these include:
- topographical studies
- a traffic study
- a Business Premises Needs Assessment
Briefings will be held with relevant stakeholders at appropriate points within the overall project. We'll also seek feedback from stakeholders including the town council, partners, staff, members, users, interest groups and businesses. There will also be opportunities to comment on any planning applications submitted.