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Chief Executive

Information about our Chief Executive, her role and expenses

Our Chief Executive

Kate blakemore smt

Kate Blakemore is our current Chief Executive. She was appointed to the role on 17 June 2024.

As Chief Executive she is the principal policy adviser to the 55 borough councillors. And the statutory head of paid service. She is accountable for our budget, as well as the work of all employees who deliver a wide range of services to the community.

Whilst employed as the Chief Executive, Kate is unable to undertake any other paid employment.

The post of Chief Executive is subject to a formal annual appraisal and review by the Leader of the Council. This is on behalf of all 55 borough councillors to whom the post holder is accountable.

The Chief Executive receives a salary with no supplementary income or bonuses. You can find details of their salary and expenses on our transparency page. The post holder is entitled to 27 days annual leave.

Kate pays 10.5% of her salary into the Local Government Pension scheme. We make an employer's contribution of 14% into the scheme.

The post holder is able to reclaim a range of legitimate business expenses, including business travel. Evidence of the expense and the reason why it was incurred must be provided before reimbursement is made. Chief Executive expenses sheets can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

Where amounts are listed for the cost of providing individuals with a meal, they do not include the price of beverages including alcohol. The costs of any such beverages are paid for by the Chief Executive themselves and not by us. Expenses incurred by the Chief Executive are set out in a month-by-month format.

Expense reports

We have published Chief Executive expense reports online since 2019/20.