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Public consultation on Wayland Farms Ltd applications

Reconsultation on Wayland Farms Ltd planning applications in Feltwell and Methwold, as per the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended) Regulation 25 starts 18 December 2024.

The below applications were received by the Local Planning Authority (Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk) on 28 and 29 April 2022.

Amendments have been submitted in respect of both planning applications, accompanied by an Environmental Statement.

The council has subsequently discovered that some documents (appendices) for this statement were not uploaded. In the interests of transparency and due process, the council has decided to re-run the consultation. Information is given below for people who have already commented.

Both applications can be viewed on our planning portal, including newly-submitted information, using the planning reference links below.

Submitted applications open for consultation

Applicant's name: Wayland Farms Ltd

Feltwell application

Planning reference: 22/00860/FM

Address: Feltwell Farm, Lodge Road, Feltwell, Thetford, Norfolk, IP26 4DU

Details: Demolition of existing buildings and construction of new buildings in connection with pig finishing provision and other associated works.

Methwold application

Planning reference: 22/00866/FM

Address: Airfield/ Methwold Farm, Brandon Road, Methwold, Norfolk, IP26 4RJ

Details: Demolition of existing poultry sheds, construction of 20 new poultry sheds, 4 workers' dwellings and associated infrastructure.

Environmental Statement

Anyone wishing to view a hard copy of the Environmental Statement can do the following:

  1. Visit the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk offices at Kings Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1EX; or
  2. Purchase a copy from the applicant's Agent, Bidwells. You can email them at or write to them at Kingfisher House, 1 Gilders Way, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 1UB. A charge of £350 will be made for a paper copy of the Environmental Statement and Technical Appendices or £15 for a CD. The Non-Technical Summary can be provided free of charge.

Commenting on the applications

You can comment on the applications in the following ways:

Comment using the planning portal (preferred method)

  • This is preferred because it instantly adds your comment to the application page
  • It also avoids adding new scanned documents, which slows down the performance of the portal due to the number of files attached to each application

Comment on Feltwell application

Comment on Methwold application

You can also email your comments to or you can write to the Borough Council at Kings Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1EX.

If writing or emailing, please make sure you give the planning reference number(s). Your comments will be scanned and loaded to the system as a 'document' but will take longer to appear on the planning portal due to work involved. 

All comments received by the deadline will be considered, regardless of how they have been submitted. However, due to the large volume of comments we receive, we are unable to acknowledge or respond to individual comments.

The deadline for comments is midnight on 24 January 2025.

A copy of the letter being sent to those who submitted written comments on the applications is also available to view.

If you have already commented

The documents that were not uploaded formed part of the appendices to the Environmental Statement, and contained supporting information. For most people who are not specialists these documents would not have a material impact on their response.

If you have already commented without seeing these appendices, we will accept your comment as valid and you do not have to comment again.

If you want to read the appendices and make a further comment, we will also accept this as a valid comment. They have been highlighted on the Public Access system as uploaded on 12 December 2024.