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Progress to date

Find out the latest about progress on the West Winch Strategic Growth Area.

Key milestones

  • 2011 - the borough council allocated a significant area of land (some 190 hectares) at West Winch / North Runcton for housing development in the period to 2026 and beyond.
  • 2013 - Hopkins Homes have submitted an outline planning application for 1,100 homes in the northern portion of the growth area. The application is currently being considered.
  • 2016 - the Site Allocations and Development Plan was adopted in September 2016.
  • October 2017 - the parish councils of West Winch and North Runcton prepared a Neighbourhood Plan.
  • 2018 - the Infrastructure Delivery Plan was agreed between the relevant partners and adopted by the borough council.
  • 2018 - the borough council cabinet agreed to prepare key documents - Landowners Agreement, Masterplan, and S.106 Framework Agreement for the site.
  • 2023 - the outcome of the Hopkins Homes planning application is expected to be determined.
  • 2023 - public consultation on the West Winch Housing Access Road planning application took place between 14 November 22 and 8 January 23.
  • 2023 - following public consultation in 2022, the South East King’s Lynn Growth Area Framework Masterplan was adopted in January.

Latest Update: Planning application - Hopkins Homes

Hopkins Homes have submitted an outline planning application for 1,100 homes in the northern portion of the growth area. The application is currently being considered.

Site Allocations and Development Plan

The Site Allocations and Development Plan SADMP Plan was adopted in September 2016. This guides the significant housing and employment growth for Kings Lynn and West Winch

Neighbourhood Plan

In October 2017, the parish councils of West Winch and North Runcton prepared a Neighbourhood Plan to give specific detail to the borough council allocation of the site as a strategic growth area.

Infrastructure Delivery Plan

We've prepared an Infrastructure Delivery Plan for the entire site, working with specialist consultants Mott MacDonald and Gerald Eve.

In summary the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

  • identifies the infrastructure required to bring forward the allocation/growth area
  • identifies how the infrastructure will be funded
  • identifies key responsibilities, timescales, and phasing elements in the development
  • provides advice on the range of delivery mechanisms available for delivering the strategic infrastructure.

The Infrastructure Delivery Plan has been agreed between the relevant partners and adopted by the borough council.

As we move towards determining planning applications for the site, more advanced work is necessary.

You can view the Infrastructure Delivery Plan here.

Agreements and Masterplan

On 13 November 2018, the Cabinet decided to take a positive approach and agreed to prepare the following key documents:

  • Landowners collaboration agreement: A legal agreement that allows landowners to work together in a fair way so they can bring forward their land for development and make an equal contribution to the community and shared facilities and amenities for the area.
  • Masterplan: A document and policy that helps to guide future growth and development. It brings together the housing, facilities and amenities, and the existing environment. This is currently being prepared by the borough council and will be available for public consultation in 2022.
  • S.106 Framework Agreement: A legal agreement between the council and landowners/developers. The purpose of the framework agreement is to firm up the approach that will be taken on a development. It helps to make sure that the growth area is developed in line with the masterplan.

South East King’s Lynn Growth Area Framework Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document

The document sets out a long-term overarching framework which ensures a comprehensive and cohesive approach is taken to development across the West Winch Growth Area. The framework masterplan illustrates how the development could be built showing broad locations for public open space, school provision, cycle paths and walkways, the housing access road and much more. The document also covers connectivity with the rural surroundings, biodiversity improvements and drainage.

View the Masterplan SPD

West Winch Housing Access Road

A key element of the Local Plan allocation is the provision of a West Winch Housing Access road. This will serve the growth area and make sure traffic from the new development has a minimal impact on the existing A10 as it passes through the village. Specific access points will draw traffic away from the A10.

The West Winch Housing Access Road will also address existing traffic problems on the A10 by providing an alternative route around the village that conforms to Major Road Network standards.

Norfolk County Council, supported by us, are currently carrying out scheme development work to design the West Winch Housing Access Road and support the submission of a planning application for the road. Norfolk County Council have submitted a bid to the Department for Transport Major Road Network fund to apply for funding to deliver the road.