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Banding and appeals

Information about valuation bands, disabled band relief and appeals

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) maintains the Council Tax Valuation List. This includes placing new properties within a Council Tax band and changing bands for properties when necessary.

Valuation bands

Each property is billed for Council Tax, whether it is a:

  • house
  • bungalow
  • flat
  • maisonette
  • mobile home
  • houseboat

Each property is allocated to one of eight bands, according to its market value on 1 April 1991.

Valuation band Value of property
A Less than £40,000
B £40,001 - £52,000
C £52,001 - £68,000
D £68,001 - £88,000
E £88,001 - £120,000
F £120,001 - £160,000
G £160,001 - £320,000
H More than £320,000

To understand why a property is in a certain band, you can visit the How domestic properties are assessed for Council Tax bands page at GOV.UK.

Find out your property band

If you wish to find out which band you're in, you can do so on our How much is my Council Tax page.

If you disagree and wish to request a review of your Council Tax band, you will need to explain why you believe your band is incorrect and provide supporting evidence.

Further information can be found at on the site, however the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has published an article for customers setting out the circumstances in which the VOA will undertake a band review and the evidence customers need to provide.

This can be found on the Challenging your council tax band page at GOV.UK.

Lower band for disabled residents

Your bill may be reduced if a permanently disabled person (whether an adult or child) lives in your home. The relief is equivalent to reducing the valuation band to the one below. It ensures that disabled people don't pay more because of a need for extra space. For further information, please visit our disabled relief page.


You can only appeal against the banding of your property:

  • after the property has been demolished
  • if a house has been converted into flats
  • if you've made alterations to the property which changes the value

You can also appeal within six months of:

  • a valuation change to your property made by the Listing Officer
  • a valuation band change to a similar property to yours (as a result of a Valuation Tribunal decision)

You should continue to pay your bill while you're waiting to hear about your appeal.

If your appeal is successful, future payments will be reduced, and any overpayments refunded.

You need to appeal to the Valuation Office. You can find out more on the Valuation Office Agency Website.

  • Council tax
  • Licences and permits
  • Bin Collection
  • Looking for job
  • Cost of living support
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