Lily, Careline Community Service and Care and Repair
Information on Careline Community Service, Care and Repair and our Lily directory
Community safety and crime
Information on a wide range of environmental issues, nuisances and anti-social behaviour
Community facilities
Information about community centres, room hire and equipment we can loan to voluntary organisations
Community right to bid
The community right to bid allows communities a chance to save buildings or places that are important to them
Community grants
Funding is available for community or voluntary groups, including revenue and capital grants
Health and wellbeing
Information about free health walks
Domestic abuse
What to do if you are experiencing domestic abuse
How we challenge discrimination and promote equality of opportunity
Armed forces support
Information about the Norfolk Armed Forces Community Covenant, events and support organisations
Gypsies and Travellers
Information about Gypsies, Roma and Travellers
Information about protecting your home from flooding, severe weather advice, loss of utilities and business continuity
How we safeguard and promote the welfare of adults, young people and children
Public transport
Information about public transport including buses and trains
Public Event Safety Advisory Group
The role of the Public Event Safety Advisory Group is to promote good standards of safety at all public events in the borough
West Norfolk Help Hub
Find out about our early intervention service to help individuals or families in need
Census 2021
Information about the 2021 census
Foreign pension checking service
Information about the foreign pension checking service and how to request proof of life and residence
Cost of living - how the council and others can help
Information on support for residents and community organisations
Are you winter ready?
Know the risks, be informed, get prepared
Community Grants through West Norfolk Prosperity Funding
Find out how you, your community or business can access support and funding through West Norfolk Prosperity Funding
16-30 year olds in West Norfolk are being offered the opportunity to get the skills they need for the futures they want
Creating Communities
Information on how Creating Communities brings people and their communities together and help support new residents