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Safeguarding policy

How we safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults

Our responsibilities

As a local authority, we have a responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of:

  • children
  • young people
  • adults

We play a lead role in this. But safeguarding and protecting people from harm is everyone’s responsibility. All who have contact with children, young people and adults at risk from abuse or neglect, have a role to play.

The legal framework

Section 11 of the 2004 Children Act places a duty on individuals and organisations to ensure that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is a priority. It’s something we consider in every function we carry out as a council.

The Care Act 2014 places a duty on us, and other professionals, to safeguards adults. We have a responsibility to co-operate with other partners to prevent, reduce and delay the development of the need for care and support.

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding is protecting children, young people and adults experiencing, or at risk, from abuse or neglect. It includes:

  • promoting the welfare of people
  • protecting people from abuse and maltreatment
  • preventing harm to people’s health and development
  • ensuring children and young people grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
  • taking action to enable everyone experiencing, or at risk from, abuse or neglect to have the best outcomes

Within the council we:

  • raise awareness of safeguarding to make staff aware of their responsibilities
  • have robust recruitment procedures where proper checks are carried out for all staff and volunteers
  • will ensure contractors and funded organisations have safeguarding policies and procedures in place (where appropriate)

View our safeguarding policy

What to do if you're worried about someone

Our Safeguarding Policy is aimed at the staff and volunteers working for and with us, rather than the general public. If you have concerns about the welfare of someone in Norfolk please contact:

  • Norfolk County Council Social Services on 0344 800 8020
  • In an emergency always call 999

Where to go if you want more information about safeguarding

For more information on child safeguarding, please visit the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board website.

For more information on adult safeguarding, please visit the Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board website.

Both sites contain a wide range of information on safeguarding issues, including the types of safeguarding concerns that may arise, and have further information about how to raise a concern.

Preventing radicalisation 

The Government's Prevent Strategy was set up to challenge all forms of terrorism, including the influence of far right extremists. To find out how Norfolk authorities and communities are helping to deliver the Prevent Strategy, please visit the Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner 'Preventing extremism and radicalisation' page.

Modern Slavery

What is Modern Slavery? - Modern day slavery and human trafficking are crimes in which people are exploited for other people’s personal gain. Modern slavery is a term used in the UK and elsewhere to describe forms of exploitation occurring in the present day, as opposed to historical forms of slavery. In the UK, human trafficking is considered a form of modern slavery.

Please contact Norfolk Anti-Slavery Network to find out how Norfolk authorities and communities are helping to tackle Modern Slavery and seek further information on how to spot Modern Slavery and training.

Please note: the Norfolk Anti-Slavery Network does not provide direct support to survivors of human trafficking.

If you suspect human trafficking or modern slavery please contact:

  • The Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700 or file a report on the Norfolk Anti-Slavery website
  • In an emergency always call 999