Information about the monitoring of our recruitment and selection procedures and our workforce
Our monitoring reports
We have undertaken monitoring of our recruitment and selection procedures since 1996. And of our workforce since 2000. The findings have been reported to Elected Members and Senior Managers over this period.
Over time the reports have taken various formats, as:
- systems for collecting information have been improved; and
- guidance and legislation has been revised
The information is now compiled into an annual Employment Monitoring report. The report has a particular emphasis on meeting the requirements of relevant equalities legislation.
The three key pieces of legislation which had previously governed monitoring requirements were the:
- Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
- Disability Discrimination Act 2005
- Equalities Act 2006
In 2010 these were combined under the Equalities Act 2010.
Guidance supporting the Equalities Act has reinforced the importance of public authorities monitoring and reporting their staff profile, particularly in relation to:
- recruitment
- promotion
- training
- pay
- grievances and disciplinary action
In addition, the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations which came into force in September 2011 require public bodies to:
- publish information to demonstrate their compliance with the general equality duty
- set specific measurable objectives
The information published to comply with point one above must include information relating to people who share a relevant protected characteristic who are employees. The content of this employment monitoring report therefore demonstrates our compliance with this requirement.
The details of the monitoring exercise also provide evidence of our progress against the employment related objectives we have set. These include ensuring opportunities for promotion and training are available to all employees.
The results of our monitoring can be found in the reports below.