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Developer contributions

Information on financial contributions for developers

Planning obligation statement

Please use our heads of terms form to agree planning obligations in line with the our Adopted Core Strategy 2011.

Section 106 agreements

The Section 106 Planning Obligation Exception Site Agreement is currently being updated and will be available in due course.

There is also an advice note to aid the completion of a Section 106 Agreement.

Section 106 monitoring fee

Payable with effect from 1 January 2024, there is a £500 Monitoring fee per obligation applying to all Section 106’s.

Affordable housing

A ministerial statement in November 2014 introduced national planning guidance relating to when S106 planning obligations for affordable housing should not be required.

For details on the changes in National Planning Policy, and to view our implications for policy CS09 of the adopted Core Strategy 2011, please visit our affordable housing page.

Unilateral undertaking

Please view our Habitat Monitoring and Mitigation Unilateral Undertaking document.

The Habitat Regulation Monitoring and Mitigation Payment arose from the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan Examination process which led to the development of the Natura 2000 Sites Monitoring and Mitigation Strategy endorsed by us in September 2015.