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Voting with no fixed address

How to vote if you have no fixed address

You can still register to vote even if you have no fixed address.  The way that you register will depend on your situation.

Homeless or living in temporary accommodation

If you have lived and will be living in relatively stable accommodation for a year or longer, it is possible to register in the usual way by registering as a resident.

The quickest and easiest way to register to vote is online.

Register to vote on GOV.UK

Sleeping rough or in emergency accommodation

If your accommodation is less stable, for example, you are sleeping rough or are staying in short-term emergency accommodation, you can register by a Declaration of Local Connection. This means that you can register at any location where you spend a large proportion of your time. This can be a day centre, a project base, a shop or a cafe.

You will need to complete a Declaration of Local Connection – Homeless Person Registration Form.

A patient in a mental health hospital

Voluntary or detained patients (but not those detained for criminal activity) may register at:

  • the institution where they are currently resident; or
  • the address at which they would be living (or have previously lived)

Your will need to complete a Declaration of Local Connection – Mental Health Patient Registration Form.

A person remanded in custody

Remand prisoners, but not convicted prisoners, may register at:

  • the institution where they are currently resident
  • the address at which they would be living (or have previously lived)

You will need to complete a Declaration of Local Connection – Remand Prisoner Registration Form.

In all cases a Declaration of Local Connection can be made at any time during the year. Your registration will be valid for up to 12 months from the date of entry in the register. You can cancel your registration at any time.

Please return completed forms to:
The Electoral Services Manager
Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk
King's Court
Chapel Street
King's Lynn
PE30 1EX
