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Temporary use notices and occasional use notices

The following is information on when and how TUNs and OUNs are used

Temporary Use Notices (TUN)

A TUN allows a gambling operator to temporarily use a premises which has no gambling premises licence to provide facilities for gambling. For example, hotels, conference centres and sporting venues might be suitable for temporary use notices. The facilities and activities that can be provided are limited by what activities the operator is permitted oversee on their operating licence, for example, a bingo operator would not be granted a TUN to run a poker school.

Three months before an operator wishes to use a premises for the provision of gambling facilities, they must give a Temporary Use Notice to the relevant licencing authority. Copies of the notice must also be given to the Gambling Commission, the police and HMRC. A TUN is subject to 14-days consultation period and would be subject to a hearing if objections are received. However, if there are no objections, the operator will be given the notice to be displayed in the premises where the authorised activities are carried out.

Individual premises have a maximum period permitted for the use of a Temporary Use Notice which is 21 days in any 12 month (1 year) period.


If you wish to apply for a TUN, please download and fill in the application below.

Temporary Use Notice application form

Occasional Use Notices (OUN)

Occasional Use Notices permit licensed bookmakers to use a track the purpose of betting without a premises licence, providing it is used for betting on no more than eight days in a calendar year. The bookmarker must hold an operating licence.

The meaning of "track" in the Gambling Act 2005 is not just limited to racecourses or greyhound tracks. This also takes into account any other premises in which a race or sporting event takes place.


If you wish to apply for an OUN, please download and fill in the application below.

Occasional Use Notice application form

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