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How to apply for a licence to run a campsite for tents

How to apply

You're not allowed to use land you own as a campsite for tents or similar structures for more than 60 days in total in a calendar year unless you hold a site licence issued by us (under the Public Health Act 1936).

Please complete our application form and send it into us. Please also send a site plan at 1:500 scale showing the layout of roads, pitches, and facilities.

Please note, there is no fee for a licence. But, a licence cannot be issued without corresponding planning permission. To help you decide whether you need planning permission visit out check if you need planning permission page.

An application will require a planning discussion notice along with a site plan and current fire risk assessment. 

Apply for a moveable dwellings (tents) site licence


Effective from the 26 July 2023, The Town, and Country Planning (General Permitted Development etc.) (England) (Amendment) Order 2023 states sites occupied by moveable dwellings (including tents) that are used for a maximum of 60 days in total in a calendar year and have no more than 50 pitches do not require a site licence.

However, development is permitted with the application of the following conditions:

  1. the developer must make on-site provision for users of the campsite of toilet and waste disposal facilities;
  2. the developer must notify the local planning authority in writing before commencement of development in each calendar year, providing a copy of the site plan, which must include particulars of—
    1. toilet and waste disposal facilities; and
    2. (the dates on which the site will be in use;
  3. the local planning authority (if not the same body as the fire and rescue authority in an area) must as soon as practicable provide to the relevant fire and rescue authority the notice described in paragraph BC.2; and
  4. where the proposed development is on land within Flood Zone 2 or Flood Zone 3, the permitted development is subject to prior approval by the local planning authority before commencement of development in each calendar year.

Other exemptions

Other exceptions where a licence is not needed are:

  • sites occupied by exempted organisations such as the Caravan Club
  • sites occupied by the local authority (these are usually gypsy sites)
  • sites for temporary and special purposes such as caravan rallies, agricultural and forestry workers, building and engineering sites, and travelling salesmen

Licence conditions

Your licence will have conditions attached to it, including things you must do in relation to spacing, water supply, drainage,  and fire precautions. For further information please see our moveable dwellings condition booklet at the bottom of this page.

Copies of the Caravan and Control of Development Act 1960, and other relevant legislation, can be found on the Legislation.GOV.UK webpage.

Further information

For further information please contact us, our contact details are below.