Information on the West Winch and North Runcton Parish Council's proposed neighbourhood development plan
North Runcton and West Winch Parish Councils have independently prepared a proposed neighbourhood development plan. It's intended to guide development in the Parishes of North Runcton and West Winch, and provide criteria (alongside our Local Plan) for decisions on planning applications there.
We have appointed Mrs Deborah McCann BSc Dip Arch Con MRICS MRTPI, as the independent examiner; to undertake the examination of the North Runcton and West Winch Neighbourhood Plan.
A submission consultation ran for six weeks from the 19 December 2016 to the 13 February 2017.
We have to manage the process by which the Parish Councils’ proposed plan is checked for compliance with national requirements.
We, and the appointed independent examiner, will use the comments to help us decide if the proposed neighbourhood plan meets the tests of:
- contributing to achieving sustainable development
- conforming with the strategic policies of our local plan
- considering the National Planning Policy Framework
- compatibility with EU obligations
If the plan successfully passes these tests, a local referendum will be held. And if the plan is supported by most of the votes it will become part of the official ‘development plan’ for the Parishes of North Runcton and West Winch.
The Examiner has asked us and the parish council some questions for clarification. These can be viewed below, as can the responses on these questions:
- questions for clarification on the plan from the inspector
- our responses to questions asked by examiner
- steering group responses to examiner questions
- steering group meeting minutes
Previous stages
Examiner’s report
We received the Examiner’s final report on 13 June 2017. This concludes with the number of recommended modifications that the Neighbourhood Plan does meet the basic conditions, and therefore can proceed to the referendum stage.
The Neighbourhood Plan and Examiner’s Report will now go to Cabinet, and following successful endorsement a referendum will be held.
Decision to proceed to referendum
The Neighbourhood Plan was considered by Cabinet on 1 August, together with the report of the independent Examiner. Cabinet agreed, on behalf of the Borough Council, that the Neighbourhood Plan should be modified in line with the Examiner’s recommendations. And as such should proceed to referendum.
Referendum information pack
We have prepared a pack which contains:
- an information statement
- information for voters (including general introduction as town and county planning and neighbourhood planning)
- a copy of the draft Neighbourhood Plan, and the Examiner’s Report
- a summary of the representations
- a statement that the plan meets the basic conditions
The referendum is due to take place on 28 September 2017. To find out more, please visit our Neighbourhood Planning referendum page.
Further information
For further information, email or telephone 01553 616200.