Information on the Hunstanton Town Council's proposed neighbourhood development plan
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The Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan was passed at referendum on 16 June and ‘made’ (adopted) by the Borough Council on 30 June 2022. The Heacham Neighbourhood Plan, together with other completed Neighbourhood Plans is available through the link below.
Hunstanton Town Council have independently prepared a proposed neighbourhood development plan. It's intended to guide development in Hunstanton Parish and provide criteria (alongside the Borough Council’s Local Plan) for decisions on planning applications there.
A submission consultation on the neighbourhood plan is ran for 8 weeks, from 30 March to 25 May 2021. It can be accessed using the button below. To view the proposed neighbourhood plan please see the 'Supporting Files' tab under ‘About this consultation’ to open the PDF links.
We have to manage the process by which the Town Council’s proposed plan is checked for compliance with national requirements. Comments received are used by an independent examiner and the Borough Council to help decide if the proposed neighbourhood plan:
- contributes to achieving sustainable development
- conforms with the strategic policies of the (Borough Council’s) Local Plan
- gives appropriate regard to the National Planning Policy Framework
- is compatible with EU obligations
If the plan successfully passes these tests, a local referendum will be held. And if the plan is supported by more than 50% of the votes, it will become part of the official 'development plan' for Hunstanton Parish.
With the agreement of the Qualifying Body, Mr Nigel McGirk was appointed as the independent examiner for the Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan.
All the responses to the regulation 16 consultation were forwarded to the examiner for consideration.
- Hunstanton Examiners Report - September 2021
- Hunstanton Neighbourhood Development Plan - Clarification Note - 14/06/21
- Hunstanton Town Council Response to Examiners Clarification Note - 13/07/21
Decision stage
Hunstanton Town Council and the Borough Council accepted all of the Examiner’s recommendations. The modifications proposed by the Examiner are set out in Appendix 1 of the Decision Statement alongside the Town Council’s and Borough Council’s decision in response to each recommendation and the reasons for them. The Decision Statement can be viewed below.
Following publication of the Decision Statement (above), the Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan was subject to a local referendum held on Thursday 16 June.
The Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan was successfully passed at referendum, with 79.8% of votes cast in favour.
The results of the referendum are available on our Hunstanton Neighbourhood Planning Referendum June 2022 page.
The referendum information pack and supporting appendices are available to download below:
- Referendum Information Pack
- Appendix 1 - Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan referendum version
- Appendix 2 - Examiner's Report
- Appendix 5 - Decision Statement (April 2022)
Further details about the Neighbourhood Plan referendum, can be found on our Neighbourhood Planning referendums page.
‘Making’ (adoption) of the Neighbourhood Plan
Following passage of the Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan at referendum, the Borough Council is obliged to ‘make’ (adopt or bring into legal force) the Plan. The Adoption Statement and ‘made’ (published) version of the Neighbourhood Plan are available to download below:
Further information
For further information email or telephone 01553 616200.