How to become a supplier, contractor or consultant
Low value purchases
When a purchase value is below £20,000 (except when it's part of a larger purchase or is one of a series of similar purchases) the individual department requiring the goods will usually seek informal quotations. This will be without involvement from the central procurement team.
If you wish to promote your business for low value products or services you should contact individual departments or locations that may be interested.
How to find out about opportunities
Our tender opportunities are advertised on the current tender opportunities page on our website. There's a link on this page to the Council’s e-procurement tendering portal (Delta eSourcing). Here you must register your interest in order to be able to download the tender documents. Also, all of our tender opportunities are advertised on the government procurement portal Find-A-Tender, part of the GOV.UK website.
Under the Procurement Act 2023, public sector organisations are required to advertise f their tenders on Find-A-Tender. This is an essential source of opportunities within the public sector as a whole.
You can register free of charge on Find-A-Tender: The Delta e-sourcing registration is also free of charge. You can set up search criteria that will allow you to get an email alert every time a tender is advertised that meets your criteria. You can call their Helpdesk on 0800 923 9236 for assistance.
Tendering tips
Whichever procurement procedure we use, it's important to read the information supplied carefully. Please submit all the documentation we request by the specified return date and time.
The success of your bid is determined by the quality and accuracy of this information.
- if there is anything in the documentation that you don't understand, please email your query or submit it via the Delta portal
- please submit your queries via email or the Delta portal at least a week before the deadline - this will allow sufficient time for us to obtain further information/clarification
- in completing any documentation, ensure that you provide all the information requested and answer all questions accurately
- ensure that all requested information is submitted on the Delta portal by the stated deadline