Information for planning agents, and view minutes and updates from the Agents Forum meetings
What is the planning forum?
We conduct meetings for planning agents, and discuss any changes or updates to the planning process. Any recent discussions are below.
Small scale wind turbines
To assist applicants and agents a document titled Small Scale Wind Turbines - Shadow Flicker and Noise has been published. This can be found at the bottom of this page.
This guidance aims to give advice in respect of the appropriate location and siting of small scale wind turbines in the borough; in so far as shadow flicker and noise are concerned.
It also sets out the minimum information required for planning applications regarding noise.
Secure by Design
Secure by Design is part of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). It's a flagship UK police initiative to help ‘design out’ crime through the use of high-quality innovative products and processes.
The principles of the scheme can reduce the risk of crime and the fear of crime.
The 3D toolkit is aimed at giving visual examples of designing out crime by illustrating poorly designed features and then better alternative solutions. It also details the standards required by ACPO Secured by Design.
The toolkit is meant to compliment the ‘Secure by Design New Homes’ design guide that should be used for additional guidance and instructions.
National Planning Policy Framework
The National Planning Policy Framework came into effect from 27 March 2012.
This document sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.
For further information please visit the Planning Practice Guidance website.
Planning policy for traveller sites
This policy should be read in conjunction with the National Planning Policy Framework. It replaces Circular 01/2006 Planning for Gypsy & Traveller Caravan Sites & Circular 04/2007 Planning for Travelling People.
Please view our planning policy for traveller sites document at the bottom of this page.
Application forms
It has come to the attention of The Planning Inspectorate that agent's can sometimes complete the online application form incorrectly by naming themselves as both agent and applicant. Where this happens the intended applicant (the client), is not shown at all on the application form. This is important as it could have several implications:
- the ownership certificates are likely to be incorrect
- the name of the "applicant" will be confusing for 3rd parties/neighbours
- the right of appeal is given only to the applicant as it appears on the application form (which could lead to delays in the event of an appeal).
- If the agent doesn't handle the appeal for the client, then the client could potentially lose their right of appeal (if the agent doesn't give consent for the right of appeal to be transferred).
Can you please ensure that application forms are filled in correctly and the client's name is stated on the application.
Please be aware that we have raised this issue with the Planning Portal Support ourselves, to try and resolve the issue before online submission of an application. We hope they will be able to introduce a series of checks to ensure the agent name and applicant name are not the same.
Formal and informal agents meetings
The updates, presentations and minutes from both the formal and informal agents meetings can be found in our document downloads below.