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About community grants

General information about grants, including the types of grants available 

How we allocate grants

We have discretionary grant funding available. We allocate this through two separate methods:

  1. By service level agreements
  2. Through a small grants scheme

Service Level Agreements

Organisations which have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) receive annual funding to provide a specific service or function. The agreement sets out exactly what is expected from the organisation. They must provide regular reports throughout the year, and their grant is released in stages based on satisfactory performance and receipt of the report.

The funding must be used in accordance with the terms of the SLA, and is monitored and reviewed every year.

Revenue and capital grants 

Currently we hold a small amount of funding to distribute towards either revenue expenditure or capital projects.

Revenue grants can cover running costs and activity/operational costs.

Capital grants can cover equipment, building, and refurbishment costs.

The funding is available to charities and voluntary and community groups, and there are criteria you must meet. You can find out more on our revenue and capital grants page.

Community and culture grants

Community grants support organisations such as village halls and voluntary groups (for non-statutory functions).

Culture grants support the development of sport or leisure organisations, such as playing field associations, tennis clubs and arts facilities.

Depending on the type of community project, you may be able to apply for a revenue or capital grant. Or for more information on other grants for culture and arts, please visit the Norfolk County Council website.

West Norfolk Shared Prosperity Fund

The programme of investment seeks to target funding where it is most needed: to build pride in place; support high quality skills training; support pay, employment and productivity growth; and to increase life chances.

Find out more on our West Norfolk Shared Prosperity Fund page.

Energy efficiency scheme

The Government are providing funding through Groundwork UK for an Energy Efficiency Scheme, offering independent energy assessments to help identify energy-saving opportunities for buildings operated by Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise organisations (VCSE’s). The programme also offers Capital Grants to implement measures recommended in your assessment.

Find out more via the VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme page on the Groundwork website.