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CIL funding applications

Groups and organisations, looking to deliver infrastructure to benefit the residents and businesses within the borough, are being invited to bid for CIL Infrastructure Funding

Any constituted group may apply for funding. If you are a local or community group thinking of applying for funding, we will require written confirmation that the Parish Council support your project, as part of the application process.

Project list for January 2025 applications

The CIL criteria have been reviewed for this round of applications, making them both broader and simpler. This means projects that might not have been eligible in the past, may now be considered.

There is no upper limit, but funding will be based on the amount available to be allocated.

Sums over £2,000, can be used to fund projects in one of the following areas:

Green infrastructure projects

  • Projects relating to public open spaces such as new or improved footpaths and cycleways to support new development
  • Installation & improvement of public play areas and equipment
  • Open spaces used for education, to support environmental initiatives.
  • Improvement of habitats for wildlife and nature, to alleviate the effects of new development.
  • Environmental services such as flood defence or absorption of air pollution.

Leisure time activities infrastructure

  • Infrastructure projects, to support accessible leisure time activities such as new facilities, improvement of existing facilities or upgrade of facilities to enable an increase of usage, to support new development of an area

Can I apply for funding?

In order for a project to be considered for CIL funding, you need to meet at least one the project type listed above, and:

  • the online application form has been completed satisfactorily
  • the organisation has the legal right to carry out the proposed project
  • the project is clearly defined as ‘infrastructure necessary to support growth’
  • applications must not include a schedule of ongoing costs, to maintain the project, once it has been completed

The following projects will not be considered for CIL Funding:

  • Projects in areas with no development, which will not benefit the wider community or support new development
  • Improvements to private enterprises, charitable or community facilities which will not increase capacity
  • The Provision of Services - Payments to individuals/businesses which are not specifically related to new development
  • Staffing costs
  • Projects that do not increase the capacity of a facility, building or structure
  • Projects that relate to sundry items - miscellaneous small items or works that do not fit within the definition of infrastructure

CIL can be used to:

  • fund all of a project, or can be combined with funding available from other sources
  • increase the capacity of existing infrastructure or to repair failing infrastructure, if that is necessary to support development.

Our CIL governance document provides further information relating to:

  • project pre-application criteria
  • project scoring criteria
  • decision-making processes

Apply for CIL funding by online application

Application timescales

CIL Funding Applications must be submitted within the following timescales:

CIL Funding Application timescales
8am on the start date 5pm on the closing date Funding application title
1 January 2025 1 February 2025 FY25_1

How will funds be allocated

Eligible projects will be scored on their ability to meet the criteria set out within the Governance Document.

The decision-making process, will commence after the application deadline has ended, to:

  • ensure that all projects are reviewed fairly and transparently
  • give each project the same opportunity for funding

A project being included on the CIL infrastructure list does not signify a guarantee of CIL funding. Whether a project receives CIL funding will depend on:

  • our priorities at the time of the application for funding being made, and
  • the amount of CIL funding available

CIL funding timetable

We are currently undertaking a review of our governance to ensure that the CIL funds continue to be spent appropriately. As a result of this, it has not yet been decided as to what the application process and timetable will look like – we will update the website as soon as a decision has been made.