Find out how the Borough Councils CIL is being allocated and spent
About the funding
Once any decisions are made, relating to the distribution of our CIL infrastructure funds, the application details and project progress will be made available on the application portal.
To view CIL Funding allocations, please select the relevant application period.
The project funding details do not include the parish and town council CIL funding. This is the CIL automatically allocated to parishes, where development has taken place. These details are produced within our parish and town council payments webpages.
In addition, our Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements provide an overview of all CIL and S106 receipts and spending for each financial year.
Next Steps
Each applicant will be notified of the decisions and a letter containing details of the funding offer will be issued.
Each project will be required to enter into an agreement with the Council, prior to any monies being formally allocated.
Once applicants have signed and returned the offer letter and agreement, they will receive a formal letter of funding approval.
To receive the approved CIL Funding payments, details of the completed project will have to be sent, which must include invoices demonstrating expenditure and photographs showing the completed works.