Information on the masterplan that will guide regeneration in Hunstanton
About the Regeneration Masterplan
A masterplan to guide regeneration for Hunstanton's Southern Seafront and Town Centre was launched in 2008.
Additionally, the southern seafront area has been identified as a priority in the Hunstanton Prosperity Coastal Community Team Prospectus, which was endorsed by Cabinet in April 2017.
The plan provides a framework for the:
- enhancement of the built environment
- promotion of development opportunities in the area
- the attraction of new investment
- a programme of enhancement to the visitor
Hunstanton Prosperity successfully secured £50k from the Norfolk Business Rates Pool (match funded by the borough council) to develop a vision and a viable Masterplan, informed by supporting documentation, for the southern seafront area.
The Masterplan exercise is to assess the feasibility (development potential and viability) for mixed use redevelopment, options for public realm, vacant sites and underutilised sites within the study area. It's broken down into 3 parts:
- Southern seafront sites behind the sea defence
- Public realm enhancements and use of the promenade over and above its role as a sea defence
- The feasibility of a marine lake to retain water and provide an extended offer
The masterplan was launched with a presentation to stakeholders in Hunstanton Town Hall in September 2008. It was formally adopted in November 2008.
All four parts of the presentation, and it's appendices, can be downloaded from the link below:
View the Regeneration Masterplan presentation documents
The vision
The masterplan sets out a vision of Hunstanton as:
- an active town
- a town that meets the needs of its residents and acts as a good local service centre
- a more attractive seaside destination, where visitors return, stay longer and spend more
- a town that respects its heritage, whilst looking to the future
- a town that makes the most of its setting and natural assets, linking town and seafront and emphasising the views
What the plan reviews
The masterplan reviews key aspects of the functioning of Hunstanton as a seaside resort and local service centre, including:
- identifying potential development sites
- improving vehicle and pedestrian movement, public transport, access and parking for residents and visitors
- providing design guidance
- identifying areas for visual improvement and environmental enhancement, particularly in the public realm