The Urban Development Strategy (UDS) is a model which sets out our aim to develop and regenerate King's Lynn
What is the UDS?
The UDS suggests a programme of structural and other improvements within the urban area of King's Lynn. It aims to facilitate the growth of the town.
The UDS is a living document which may be added to or changed with time.
The Urban Development Strategy is one part of a family of documents from the Urban Renaissance Strategy.
Strategy aims
There are five principles that guide the implementation of the strategy. These are:
- built environment
- transport and movement
- economy
- social provision
- viability
Based on these principles, there are four main aims which form the strategy to regenerate King's Lynn. These are:
Making the most of existing assets and facilities
- create a marina at Boal Quay
- reinstate the town's historic urban structure and grain
- increase and diversify activity in South Quay and waterfront
- improve first impressions of the town
Focusing development in the town centre
- focus residential development in the town centre
- create new and improve existing open spaces in the town
Improving economic viability
- provide employment premises
- strengthen north-south movement in the town centre to increase viability of the markets and town centre shops
- provide mixed use development in the town centre
Improving transport
- create two or three multi-storey car parks to replace surface parking from the town centre
- investigate business case for two park and ride facilities from the outskirts of the town
- provide better bus services
- create a heritage trail and pedestrian and cycle Green Route through and around the town
The Urban Development Strategy can be found in our document download box below. It's a large document. To ease downloading it has been subdivided into 14 parts.