Key supporting documents, submitted with the Plan on 29 March 2022
Core Documents
The Local Plan Review is accompanied by a series of Core Documents. These key documents, submitted with the Plan on 29 March 2022, may be downloaded through the links below:
- Library index of submission documents
- Notice of submission of Local Plan Review to the Secretary of State, 29 March 2022
The main Core Documents, are as follows:
- A1 - Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan Review
- A2 - Schedule of Additional Modifications (As at submission, March 2022)
- A3 - Sustainability Appraisal (SA) library references B1-B9
- A4 - Habitats Regulations Assessment (May 2021)
- A5 - Cabinet report, 15 June 2021 - Local Plan Review Draft for Pre-submission Consultation (p52-p68, incorporating Equalities Impact Assessment)
Other Core Documents, including details of previous consultations and engagement during the plan-making process (2016-21), are as follows:
- A6 - Duty to Cooperate Statement (May 2021)
- A7 - Regulation 22 Statement of Consultation (March 2022)
- A8 - Representations on the Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan Review - Consultation Portal
- A9 - Statement of Community Involvement (June 2017)
- A10 - Local Development Scheme (updated April 2024)
- A11 - Local Plan Route Mapper & Toolkit (March 2022):
- A12 - Statements of Common Ground (March 2022) - interim/draft statements and/or supporting documents, as submitted (29 March 2022), which will be superseded in due course by finalised Statements of Common Ground (autumn 2022):
- A12-1a - Draft Environment Agency Statement of Common Ground (SoCG)
- A12-1b - Environment Agency email exchanges
- A12-1c - Draft West Lynn: Flood Risk Sequential Test (March 2022)
- A12-2 - Historic England SoCG
- A12-3a - Draft Homes England SoCG
- A12-3b - Homes England email exchanges
- A12-4 - Natural England SoCG
- A12-5a - Draft Norfolk County Council SoCG
- A12-5b - Norfolk CC email exchanges
- A12-5c - Norfolk CC (Lead Local Flood Authority) agreement letter