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Action to be taken over inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use

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Published: Wednesday, 2nd March 2022

A consultation opened on 1 March 2022 for views on the renewal of the Public Space Protection Order to restrict inappropriate and inconsiderate vehicle use causing anti-social behaviour.

The order would cover the King's Lynn area and would come into force on 2 April 2022 initially for a period of three years and replaces the existing which is due to expire on the 1st April 2022.

Restrictions within the order include driving at excessive speed, sudden and/or repeated acceleration and deceleration, street racing, stunts (including, but not limited to, dough-nutting, handbrake turns, drifting, and burnouts), continuous engine revving while stationery, unnecessary use of the horn, amplified music, littering from a vehicle, threating, abusive of intimidating language or behaviour associated with vehicle use.  A full list of restrictions can be viewed online at

Failure to comply with the PSPO could result in a fixed penalty notice of £80 or a court summons.  Police and other authorised personnel will be able to issue fixed penalty notices.

Cllr Sam Sandell, Cabinet member for People and Communities, said: "The existing order has made an impact in reducing incidents by acting as a deterrent and by the borough council taking enforcement action where it has been necessary. Incidents of anti-social vehicle use can be very intimidating and has a negative impact on people in the local community. Vehicles revving late at night, road racing and loud music are all noise nuisances which can disrupt peoples’ lives and possibly interrupt sleep

“This order is about being considerate to individuals and families who have not asked to be disturbed in their own home.”

“We are interested to find out if the restrictions cover all the problems. Will the restrictions cause unintended consequences that inhibit someone's business or organised events? Are there other areas we need to cover? Are there other vehicle related behaviours that we haven't included? We really want to hear from people to see if we have covered everything in this order."

The consultation, which is open until Thursday 31 March 2022, along with a copy of the proposed order and a map showing the area covered, is available at

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