Published: Tuesday, 6th September 2022
Published on behalf of Hunstanton Advisory Group
A new group has been established in Hunstanton, to come up with ideas for projects that will enhance and broaden the attraction of Hunstanton as a year-round destination, mirroring the role of the King’s Lynn Town Deal Board.
The Hunstanton Advisory Group is made up of representatives from key sectors within the town and is chaired by Charles Le Strange Meakin of Le Strange Estate, with Joel Large, of East Coast Gelato, as Vice Chair.
Charles Le Strange Meakin explained: “Over the years several ambitious plans have been developed for the area, which have never really come to fruition, which is a real shame. The way that funding and investment is secured for projects has changed. When funding is announced, we need to have in place what are referred to as ‘shovel-ready’ projects that we can put forward to secure the investment. King’s Lynn has a Town Investment Plan which sets out all their aims and ambitions for the town. We need to develop a cohesive, strategic plan that sets out what is needed and wanted in Hunstanton.
“Our thinking is that we need to work collaboratively across all commercial and semi-commercial interests within the town, to come up with project ideas that are practical and deliverable, have the support of all sectors represented and will bring a real benefit to the town. Our approach would be to foster an inclusive, friendly, and supportive community, extend the season, generate jobs and opportunities for all ages, respect the town’s heritage and green spaces and future proof the town’s infrastructure such as transport, sea defences and green energy.”
The Hunstanton Advisory Group has no political power and no decision-making abilities. It would be a space for ideas to be explored and developed ready for presentation to the authorities, who would then determine whether any of the ideas could be supported.
The Group has only met a couple of times and is establishing its terms of reference and membership. The initial idea for the advisory group came from discussions with Leader of the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Cllr Stuart Dark, MBE, Deputy Leader of the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Cllr Graham Middleton, Norfolk County Councillor Andrew Jamieson, and several businesspeople within the town, all seeking to create something similar to the Town Deal Board in King’s Lynn.
Initial ideas have already been discussed about potential improvements to the seafront area, and thoughts about how the replacement Oasis project could be developed if the funding is secured.
Anyone wishing to make suggestions to the Hunstanton Advisory Group for consideration should email