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Wisbech energy from waste plant PINS examination reminder

Published: Friday, 28th October 2022

The borough council is reminding people of the deadline for submitting Relevant Representations to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of the Wisbech energy from waste plant.

Earlier this month MVV Medworth officially notified the borough council, as one of the four host authorities for the above Development Consent Order (DCO), of acceptance of the application by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for examination.

The official notice of acceptance confirmed that the ‘Relevant Representations’ period for the DCO runs from 4 October 2022 until 15 November 2022.

Anyone who wants to comment as part of the Planning Inspectorate examination, needs to register as an interested party and submit their Relevant Representation by 15 November 2022.

The application documents can be viewed here:

The council will register as an Interested Party for the DCO and will be drafting a Relevant Representation to submit to PINS by the 15 November deadline.

Officers are reviewing MVV’s application submission and will present their comments to the 7 November planning committee before sending the council’s response to the Planning Inspectorate.

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