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Share your feedback to help finalise economic vision for West Norfolk

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Published: Monday, 16th September 2024

Residents, businesses and partners are invited to share feedback on an important strategy intended to guide collective efforts for inclusive, sustainable and prosperous economic growth in West Norfolk

The borough council is consulting on the draft Economic Vision and Strategy. This document sets out an overarching ambition for a vibrant economy by 2045, supported by five key priorities, and will shape the collective plans and investment of the borough council and a range of other partners.

The proposed vision is:

“In 2045 King's Lynn and West Norfolk is a model for sustainable, active and inclusive rural communities, where the benefits of economic growth are shared widely, and natural and cultural heritage is preserved, enhanced and celebrated for future generations.”

Shaped through extensive engagement with local residents, community groups, businesses and other stakeholders, this vision is founded on the understanding that a vibrant economy encompasses not only economic growth but also the wellbeing of residents and communities, and the sustainability of towns, places, and natural environment.

The five top priorities proposed are:

  • Thriving towns – Transforming our towns into lively destinations during day and night for residents and tourists
  • Access to education and good work – Increasing economic participation and activity among all age groups, from young people to older residents
  • Productive jobs and businesses – Improving productivity across our sector strengths and retaining more economic value within the local community
  • Managed natural resources – Manage our natural resources proactively, efficiently and sustainably, increasing our resilience to climate change
  • Healthy, inclusive communities – Creating active, inclusive, connected communities, improving heath, wellbeing and economic vitality.

Alongside the consultation on the draft vision and strategy, the council is liaising with key partners to prepare an action plan of specific projects to help deliver the strategy, along with a supporting investment plan setting out the borough’s investment priorities and needs for the next 10 years.

You can find out more and take part in the consultation until 13 October at If you don’t have online access, you are welcome to use the public-access computers available at King’s Court reception and many local libraries. Paper copies of the consultation documents are also available upon request from King’s Court reception or by calling 01553 616200.

Councillor Simon Ring, Deputy Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Business and Culture, said:

“This is a positive vision for inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous economic growth for our residents and businesses, while ensuring that our beautiful heritage, landscape and natural resources can continue to be responsibly used.

“Shaped through extensive consultation, along with analysis of our opportunities, challenges and key drivers for change affecting West Norfolk, we want this to be a shared strategy for our whole borough, recognising it can only be fully achieved with the collective energies and investment of a range of partners.

“Hopefully the vision and five top priorities resonate with you. Please take part in the consultation and share your feedback to help finalise and agree this important strategy, which crucially will be supported by an action plan and investment plan for delivery.”

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