The South East King’s Lynn Growth Area (known locally as the West Winch Growth Area) Framework Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by Council in January 2023
The South East King’s Lynn Growth Area Framework Masterplan SPD sets out a long-term overarching framework which ensures that a comprehensive and cohesive approach is taken to development across the West Winch Growth Area. The Framework Masterplan will be used by the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to guide planning application decisions within the masterplan area.
The framework masterplan illustrates how the development could be built, showing broad locations for things like public open space, cycle paths and walkways, school provision, health centre, transport links, and the housing access road.
It also considers the type and tenure of properties, including affordable housing, and the design and mix of development densities to reflect local character, heritage and proximity to new and existing neighbourhood centres. Other matters covered within the framework include connectivity with the rural surroundings and King’s Lynn, biodiversity improvements and drainage.